How to save pictures from Snapchat chats without screenshots

The great thing about Snapchat is that people who send photos are notified if the person they send the photo to tries to take a screenshot of the image in order to save it and have it for later; which is why you want to know how to save pictures from Snapchat chats with screenshots.

The not-so-great thing about Snapchat photos is that they can still be saved without them knowing and I am here to share with you the details on how to save pictures from Snapchat chats without screenshots.

Before we start, though, it’s imperative to let Snapchat users know that since any snap they send can be saved with or without them knowing, they should never send private photos or photos they would feel awkward if the entire world saw.

Also, for those who want to save the snaps, they should only use these tactics below to save funny memories and images and never photos that they plan to use for revenge purposes, to make fun of the person that send it or for any other harmful reasons or purposes.

In other words, if you want to save pictures from Snapchat chats without them knowing, be a good person and don’t do it if you think your chat partner would mind if you did!

Now these being said, let’s find out below how to save pictures from Snapchat chats save without them knowing.

  1. A difficult method to use, but a method nevertheless is to take an actual photo (with a camera or webcam or another phone) of the Snap that you want to save.

The resulting quality of the image is not as good as the sent image, but it’s better than nothing so if you really want to save it, that’s how you do it without many headaches.

  1. The “Airplane mode” method

This one is a bit more complicated, but it allows you to screenshot the actual image, so if you don’t have a different device to take a photo of your screen with, it will do.

In order to save pictures from Snapchat chats without your chat partner knowing, you have to follow the next steps:

– Launch Snapchat and swipe right to see the Snapchats you have received. They will have “tap to open” normally – if it’s “tap to load” instead, tap them but don’t open them yet.

– Now turn on the Airplane mode on your iPhone: simply swipe up and turn it on in the Control Center!

– Now you can get back to Snapchat, open that image and screenshot it normally – since you have no internet connection, the sender won’t be notified that you took that screenshot to save pictures from Snapchat chats.

– Finally, the last and very important step: completely quit the app (make sure it’s not running in the background – so force quit it).

To do so on your iPhone, simply tap the Home button, then tap the home button twice and swipe away Snapchat. Different phones have different ways of doing this, so if you are not sure how this is done, google it for your phone brand to find out how to save pictures from Snapchat chats.

– Things are not over yet! You actually have to clear the cache of your Snapchat app and on the phone itself; otherwise your chat partner will still be notified that you took a screenshot to save pictures from Snapchat chats when you log back in.

In order to delete the cache, after taking the screenshot of the photo you want to save, go to your Snapchat profile inside the app and tap the cogwheel in the upper right corner. From there, select Clear Cache – Clean all.

As a precaution (especially if you use Android), you should also clear the cache on your device as well. On Android, navigate to Settings -> Apps -> Snapchat -> Storage -> Clear Cache.

– After doing all this, you can now turn off the Airplane mode on your device. The screenshot will be saved, but your chat partner won’t know that you saved it.

And this is it! You now have two different methods to save your friends’ Snapchats without them knowing.

Again, make sure to only use this for funny snaps and not for revenge purposes or other unorthodox reasons. People trust you by sending you those photos and you should never give them reasons not to trust you anymore!

It is extremely important to have this in mind at all times. Technology is making it easier for us to send images that are very private, and we shouldn’t take advantage of this in order to do harm.

Also have in mind that the above methods might still not work as the software is getting smarter and smarter, knowing that privacy is essential here.

So instead of saving those snaps without them knowing, ask your chat partner to send that image (or images) via email or other means that make it easier for you to save pictures from Snapchat chats in your memory.

Always ask for permission to save pictures from Snapchat chats, again, never use this to do harm, to put your friendship or relationship in danger or to make fun later on of your chat partner.

Author: Info Quin